Video interview with Element: Demystifying chemical characterization of medical devices


Element Materials Technology recently held a one-day event at its Wythenshawe, Manchester, site, to bring together experts from both Element and Chorley Consulting to give medical device manufacturers the opportunity to learn more about the expectations for E&L studies from regulators, how those studies are performed and how the data is evaluated.

The event was an opportunity for participants to speak directly with experts in analytical chemistry and toxicological assessment.

The presentations answered questions such as those surrounding regulations and establishing biological safety, as well as how to prepare extracts from a device, what can be learned from analytical chemistry, and what a toxicologist can do with the information.

Element’s customers cross a unique range of industries, including aerospace, biomedical, industrial manufacturing, power generation and transportation.

At the event, we spoke with Nick Morley, principal scientist, life sciences at Element.

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Jim Cornall is editor of Deeptech Digest and publisher at Ayr Coastal Media. He is an award-winning writer, editor, photographer, broadcaster, designer and author. Contact Jim here.